
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

What I did today

Today was so hot that I can't even withstand it. Can you imagine that you are sweating even you're just sitting down? I can't but I'm experiencing it right now...

Because of my frustration, I decide to make some kefir fruit shake drink to cool off!

This is a avocado + banana then adding milk kefir. I decide to add milk kefir rather than ordinary milk so I can get the boost of the kefir probiotics.

It's really easy to do it if you already have all the ingredients you need.

For people who are interested about kefir milk I have some nice website, feel free to visit

So after drinking my self made fruit shake I feel a lot better but it is still hot! This year might be the hottest summer I've experience so far. I might visit the pool frequently after this week.


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