
Friday, December 5, 2014

Why I Chose to be a Teacher

"A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the student with a desire to learn is hammering on a cold iron." ~ Horace Mann

Education must begin with the students, for within each student lies a part of the future generations that will one day lead our culture. Because the future lies within the students, so must their willingness and eagerness to learn. The professional educator must make it his goal to help in instilling the values of learning and hard work in the hearts of the students. They must become intrinsically motivated.

In order to achieve this goal, the teacher must understand and connect with his students. The students of today learn differently than those of yesterday, just as will those of tomorrow. Accordingly, the professional educator must constantly adapt to those changes.

I want to become a teacher for a very simple reason - I want to make a difference. While there are many fields in which I could accomplish this goal, I feel that education is the one in which I can have the greatest impact. Every day, thousands of youths around the world are being told that they aren't good enough, or that they just "can't". As a teacher, I feel I have a positive platform from which to dispel that fallacy.

After having my first teaching career, I realized that teaching is a profession that can be supremely exhausting, but I know in my heart that the benefits outweigh the fatigue ten times over. Teaching requires patience, understanding, compassion, and enthusiasm - all things that I am more than willing to provide on a daily basis.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

My First Teaching Experience

Being a teacher is not easy because teaching is a career that involves a lot of challenges and excitement. It also offers personal reward and a chance to encourage and support others to achieve their own goals as well as their dreams in life.  

June 11, 2014 was among the most memorable dates in my life. This day marked as an additional milestone in my life and the first day of my teaching career. 

I was very excited to be at school this day to meet my new college accounting students.  I wanted to be there on the first day with the students for several reasons.  One of those reasons was to help myself appear as another authoritative adult in the class, rather than just a visitor. 

Standing in front of my students and of our college dean was not easy at first. I admit that during my first demonstration, I felt so nervous and terrified. I was nervous about what would be the initial outcome of my first demonstration. I felt terrified and anxious about myself as well. I was worried that I could not be able to live up with what was expected of me. I was also worried about not hitting the school’s standards of teaching. 

I was fortunate enough because the topic I handled for my first class, where the dean himself sat as an audience, was basic accounting principles. I am very confident about this subject matter and I know I can be able to deliver my lessons well because this accounting basic is one of my favorite accounting subjects. And as I have expected, I received an A+ mark for my first actual teaching experience.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Things You Might Have Not Known About Me

You might be wondering who I really am, what my personality is, and what I am like. Well, I have enlisted here the top 5 facts about me that you might have not known yet.

Although I am a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, I am also passionate about teaching. I used to be a part time college instructor, teaching mainly accounting, economics and business related subjects.

I am a journalist since elementary. I had been an editor in chief of our school paper for two consecutive years and an associate editor for almost four years. I like the feeling of broadcasting in front of many people and I like to feel the thrill brought on by pressure and nervousness.

I am a sports enthusiast. I love playing various kinds of sports. I used to play softball and football in college.

I am also a good dancer. Well, that’s what my fellows told me. I have been a member of a dance troupe for over 10 years now. We do cheerdance, dancesports, ballroom, folkdance, zumba and many more.

I love debate. I was also an active member of our college debating society. Debating energizes my senses and helped me a lot in developing my speaking, analytical, listening and researching skills.